Manitoba Early Literacy Intervention Teachers

Investing in Teachers:
MELIT is dedicated to
supporting the development
of teachers' professional expertise
as early literacy educators.
we learn for life
Our Guiding Literacy Principles
All students can learn.
Children come to literacy with varying knowledge.
Children construct their own understandings.
Learners extend their own learning.
Children take different paths to literacy learning.
Reading and writing are complex problem-solving processes.
Reading and writing are reciprocal and interrelated processes.
Learning to read and write involves a continuous process of change over time.
Literacy learning involves the reading and writing of continuous texts (whole –part – whole).
Optimal learning comes from building on children’s strengths that make it easy for children to learn.
Optimal learning comes from learning about the unknown from the very well known.
Optimal learning comes from a gradual release of responsibility to the learner.
Observation and gathering evidence of how children are working on print provide the basis for effective instruction.
(Allington, 1998; Clay, 2001; Clay, 2005a, 2005b; Jones &Smith-Burke, 1999; Routman, 2005; Watson & Askew, 2009; Wood, 1998).