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Our Guiding Literacy Principles 



  • All students can learn.


  • Children come to literacy with varying knowledge. 

  • Children construct their own understandings.

  • Learners extend their own learning.

  • Children take different paths to literacy learning.

  • Reading and writing are complex problem-solving processes.

  • Reading and writing are reciprocal and interrelated processes.

  • Learning to read and write involves a continuous process of change over time.

  • Literacy learning involves the reading and writing of continuous texts (whole –part – whole).

  • Optimal learning comes from building on children’s strengths that make it easy for children to learn.

  • Optimal learning comes from learning about the unknown from the very well known.

  • Optimal learning comes from a gradual release of responsibility to the learner.

  • Observation and gathering evidence of how children are working on print provide the basis for effective instruction.


(Allington, 1998; Clay, 2001; Clay, 2005a, 2005b; Jones &Smith-Burke, 1999; Routman, 2005; Watson & Askew, 2009; Wood, 1998).

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