Manitoba Early Literacy Intervention Teachers
Investing in Teachers:
MELIT is dedicated to
supporting the development
of teachers' professional expertise
as early literacy educators.
we learn for life
October 24, 2014
Manitoba Early Intervention Teachers (MELIT)
Arranging for Success – Together is Better
Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites, 1800 Wellington Ave
9:00-9:15 Welcome and AGM
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Barbara Schubert is a Reading Recovery Trainer and a Reading Recovery and Literacy Coach Trainer in the Center for Literacy at the University Arkansas at Little Rock. She is a respected educator, author, consultant, and leader in the fields of literacy and cross-cultural understanding. She has been the recipient of many field study grants, including Fulbright –Hayes Fellowships to West Africa and to China. Barbara has received the Margaret Lynch Exemplary Service Award for contributions to literacy in California, the John Martin Distinguished Service Award for outstanding service to professional organizations, and she is a Past President of both the California Reading Association and the Santa Clara County Reading Council.
IK1, Keynote am
Do You See What I See?
Presenter: Barbara Schubert
Teaching children to read is an incredibly rewarding job. But getting inside students’ heads to see what it is that they see has to be the first step and it’s not easy. It’s all about knowledge, relevance, colleagues, and finding direction when plans go awry.
Morning Breakout Sessions
AM 1
Reading and the Brain
Presenter: Barbara Schubert
Maximum: 75 participants
This session will explore how Reading Recovery procedures can produce changes in the brain that lead to an increase in learning for both the child and the teacher. Emphasis will be on linking current findings in neuroscience to the work of Marie Clay.
AM 2
Where the Visible Meets the Invisible
Presenter: Allyson Matczuk
Maximum: 75 participants
As children begin to construct complex problem solving systems in reading and writing, the information that they see and hear must be integrated with what they know in ever changing ways. In this session we will explore the ways that the visible information is integrated with the invisible information.
AM 3
Reading Continuous Texts- Whole Stories and Information Texts
Presenter: Irene Huggins
Maximum: 40 participants
In Becoming Literate: The Construction of Inner Control, Clay (1991) states that the student has a “right” to an orientation before reading a text. She stresses the importance of talking with children before they read a new book, helping them to understand the overall meaning and the structure of the text. This session will focus on how teachers prepare students to read a variety of books, highlighting the differences between the orientation of storybooks and information texts that are used in Reading Recovery lessons.
AM 4
From Vision to Action: Strengthening Literacy Leadership, Teaching and Learning
Presenters: Jason Drysdale, Assistant Superintendant River East Transcona School Division; Tom Code, Principal, Harold Hatcher, River East Transcona School Division
Maximum: 60 participants
In her new book Read, Write, Lead: Breakthrough Strategies for Schoolwide Literacy Success, Regie Routman thanks Jason Drysdale for his " broad vision and unfailing support"…This morning Jason and Tom will share factors driving the enthusiasm and student growth in writing, from Kindergarten up, that has resulted from RETSD’s writing project. Specific examples will be drawn from Harold Hatcher School. Their ultimate goal: to arrange literacy success for all children.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
PM 1
Reading Continuous Texts- Whole Stories and Information Texts
Presenter: Irene Huggins
Maximum: 75 participants
In Becoming Literate: The Construction of Inner Control, Clay (1991) states that the student has a “right” to an orientation before reading a text. She stresses the importance of talking with children before they read a new book, helping them to understand the overall meaning and the structure of the text. This session will focus on how teachers prepare students to read a variety of books, highlighting the differences between the orientation of storybooks and information texts that are used in Reading Recovery lessons.
PM 2
Where the Visible Meets the Invisible
Presenter: Allyson Matczuk
Maximum: 75 participants
As children begin to construct complex problem solving systems in reading and writing, the information that they see and hear must be integrated with what they know in ever changing ways. In this session we will explore the ways that the visible information is integrated with the invisible information.
PM 3
Qu'est-ce qui est possible dans l’apprentissage d’une deuxième langue?
Presenter: Kathleen Farmery and Sarah Arnold
Maximum: 40 participants
Comment pouvons-nous aider les élèves du primaire à faire du progrès plus rapide dans l'apprentissage d'une deuxième langue? L’Intégration de la lecture, de l'écriture et de l’oral est possible même avec de jeunes apprenants de langue. Grâce à cette approche intégrée, les étudiants apprennent plus vite.
PM 4
Arranging for Success: Every child reading and writing!
Presenters: Harold Hatcher School Team featuring Tom Code, Principal, Harold Hatcher School, RETSD
Maximum: 60 participants
What change can you expect when a professional learning community embraces a comprehensive approach to literacy learning? This team from River East Transcona School Division will provide insight into the Division's writing initiatives and some of the outcomes of ongoing projects at Harold Hatcher School. The goal of this session is to recognize the change over time that has resulted from strong beginnings and continued commitment to literacy-learning throughout the school community.
IK2, Keynote pm
Aligning Beliefs with Practices
Presenter: Barbara Schubert
When you combine a mindset that lets children know when they’re smart with effective instruction, teaching and learning are transformed. Using a blueprint that includes intentional teaching, we can look beyond what is visible and dwell in endless possibilities. Only in this way can we meet the challenge…and the effort is worth it.
Membership fees: $20 (paid at the time of SAGE registration)
Conference Fees: $70 for members and $80 for non-members
Conference Information
Parking is available both in front and behind the hotel. If you park behind the hotel, please use the “Ballroom Entrance”.
Please note that admission to sessions will be by name tag only.
Registration includes coffee/tea upon arrival, a morning nutrition break, and a lunch buffet of soup, sandwiches, and salad. If you have particular dietary concerns please indicate this with your registration.
No on-site registration will be available.
Please bring your confirmation receipt (either paper or electronic) to sign-in.
For more information please see the MELIT website, or email questions to